
I'm a responsible full-stack web developer and UX/UI designer.
About Me

Within the domain of web development, I have over 16 years of portfolio ranging from integration to back-end and front-end development making me a well rounded Full Stack developer. Using my experience of designing and developing websites and web applications, I have an excellent understanding of how technology can be used to align the requirements of both the business and the customer. My resume hosts a variety of projects tailored and catered to a diverse clientele, from big businesses to smaller companies. I am looking forward to new and challenging opportunities that will utilize my skills and add to my area of expertise.

My goal is to meet interesting people from different fields and face the challenges of their businesses to achieve success.

Paul Wei Li Ping



Knowledge is gained by learning; trust by doubt; skill by practice; love by love. -- Thomas Szasz


Java Virtual Machine

JVM is the core of the Java ecosystem, and makes it possible for Java-based programs to follow the "write once, run anywhere" approach.

Data Structure and Algorithm

A data structure is a storage that is used to store and organize data. And, an algorithm is a collection of steps to solve a particular problem.

Distributed System Design

A distributed system is a network of independent software components or machines that function as a unified system for the end user.

Linux nohup command

You process or executing shell script will get killed when logout from the session or network error occurred. You can use nohup to avoid this.

Minify JavaScript using uglifyjs

UglifyJS can be used to combine and minify JavaScript assets so that they require less HTTP requests and make your site load faster.

Vim tips: Search and replace

When you want to search for a string of text and replace it with another string of text, you can use the syntax :[range]s/search/replace/.

Basic Linux Commands

Obtaining basic knowledge of the most common commands will help you easily execute tasks via the command line.

Basic Git Commands

Here you will find a quick, high-level overview of some of the major Git commands along with short descriptions and examples.

Website Performance Best Practices

I strongly recommend font-end developer to read this article: Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site.


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